What is human health and wellbeing?

Human health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Addressing human health and wellbeing with NbS

Healthy ecosystems, climate and biodiversity have been recognized as important determinants of human health and wellbeing. For instance, natural environments provide noise and heat regulation, promote physical activity, lower stress and give faster psychological recovery, improve air and water quality, provide cultural ecosystem services such as social interactions, aesthetics, recreation, spiritual values, and a sense of place. Natural areas are also a source of medicines and other pharmaceutical products which directly contribute to improved human health.  

Human health and well-being is underrepresented in the research on NbS. Research tends to be skewed towards urban environments, and few studies assess the full range of human well-being benefits. Implementation of NbS should thus be followed up with monitoring of a broad range of human health and well-being outcomes. Documenting the specific well-being benefits of NbS would likely increase public support for such initiatives.  

What to think about...

Though there are often many indirect ways in which NbS can improve human health, there are a variety of considerations that should be made when planning NbS addressing human health and wellbeing specifically. The IUCN and the WHO have made ten recommendations for ensuring human health and wellbeing in NbS: 

  1. Biodiversity, healthy ecosystems, and a stable climate are essential to achieving good health outcomes. 

  1. Educate and empower health professionals to engage in NbS. 

  1. Redesign food systems to be nature-positive, resilient and to sustain healthy communities. 

  1. Use nature-based solutions to support access to safe water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management.   

  1. Integrate urban ecosystems with public health planning.   

  1. Redesign energy and transport systems to integrate green-gray infrastructure to support health.  

  1. Place equity at the centre of the design, governance, and implementation of nature-based solutions for health.  

  1. Empower Indigenous Peoples and under-resourced communities to safeguard human health and well-being.  

  1. Support/enable youth leadership and innovation in nature and health decision-making.  

  1. Finance inclusive NbS that prioritize health outcomes. 

To ensure that the NbS is meeting its goals for human health and wellbeing, it is also essential to have monitoring in place. 

NbS with a focus on human health and wellbeing

We encourage users of this handbook to fully realize the potential to improve human health and wellbeing within the specific context of the ecosystem and to set clear targets that can be followed over time. 

Are you unsure how to choose an NbS that addresses human health and wellbeing? See our general guidance on Nature-based solutions!