Social justice is to have a fair and equitable distribution of resources, benefits and costs, and the power to make decisions in all parts of society. Key elements are transparency and inclusive participation with particular attention to the needs of vulnerable and marginalised communities.
Capacity building is about developing skills, knowledge, and resources with and for different actors - communities, organisations, and institutions to effectively plan, design, implement, and maintain NbS. This includes strengthening local expertise, fostering partnerships and creating supportive governance structures.
In NbS, social justice means ensuring fair access to natural resources and their benefits for all people. This includes inclusion in conservation and restoration activities or other measures. It also addresses inequalities related to who is affected by environmental degradation. The aim of capacity building is to ensure fair, inclusive, and empowering processes that provide diverse actors with the opportunities and tools needed to participate in and benefit from NbS while addressing existing inequalities and enhancing resilience.