About this site

This site is a product of the GuideNbs project, which was funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers vision program on NbS. This project builds on the previous NCM-funded SITUATIONS-UMMATION and Nordic pilot projects on NbS.

The main objective of this site is to make practical information gained in the NCM projects available to a wide range of stakeholders, including practitioners, local authorities, and the public. This online handbook contains guidance for the implementation of NbS across six specific ecosystems, namely coastal areas, cultural landscapes, forests, mountains, urban areas, and wetlands, in the Nordics. 

GuideNbS was led by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, in collaboration with Aarhus University, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Faroe Islands National Museum, the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, and Lund University.



How to use this handbook

The Nature-based solutions that are covered in this handbook have the same overall structure, and you can navigate to them either by identifying the societal problem that you want to address, or the ecosystem where you want to apply a Nature-based solution. The following topics are addressed in our pages on Nature-based solutions.

What A general description of what the NbS is.

Where In which ecosystem(s) can this NbS be used.  

Why What can this NbS be used for, which societal problems can it address.

How What are the possible ways to carry out the NbS on the ground?  

Potential outcomes The potential outcomes (direct ecological effects in the long and short term), and positive and negative side-effects of the NbS. 

ATTENTION! Important things to think about if you want to use this NbS in your particular location, including how ecosystem type, ecology, physical constraints, societal barriers, social acceptability, funding, policy, laws and regulations.  

How much do we know? How much information and research is available about the effectiveness (long and short term) of this NbS. 

Costs A qualitative estimate of the overall monetary costs of the implementation of this NbS in terms of manpower, technology, costs of buying land, operational costs, maintenance and monitoring costs, etc 

Case studies from the Nordic countries.

References for further reading and scientific evidence for the usefulness of this NbS.